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unprejudiced Meaning in Tamil ( unprejudiced வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


unprejudiced's Usage Examples:

I believe if his story were impartially transmitted and the unprejudiced world well possessed with it, she would add him to her nine worthies.

I believe if his s story were impartially transmitted and the unprejudiced world well possessed with it, she would add him to her nine worthies.

He used his facilities carefully and judiciously; and the result is a work on the whole accurate and unprejudiced, and quite indispensable to the student either of the history of the early colonies, or of the institutions and customs of the aboriginal American peoples.

The value of this book is great both on account of the research it displays and its philosophical and unprejudiced style.

Afterwards, in his Kritik der reinen Erfahrung (1888-1890), Avenarius aimed at giving a description of pure experience which he identified with the natural view of the world held by all unprejudiced persons.

The Hungarian diet frantically opposed every Austrian alliance as endangering the national independence, but to any unprejudiced observer a union with the house of Habsburg, even with the contingent probability of a Habsburg king, was infinitely preferable to the condition into which Hungary, under native aristocratic misrule, was swiftly drifting.

8 Ordinary " inductive " empiricism shows that it has travelled far from this unprejudiced credulity when it asserts its hard determinism - uniform law, never broken, never capable of being broken.

An unprejudiced and critical reader will certainly find very few passages where his aesthetic susceptibilities are thoroughly satisfied.

tolerare, to endure), the allowance of freedom of action or judgment to other people, the patient and unprejudiced endurance of dissent from one's own or the generally received course or view.

Beyond this no wise man will go, and short of it hardly any unprejudiced man will stop.


nonracist, open, receptive, color-blind, colour-blind, impartial,


sighted, unfair, partial, unreceptive, prejudiced,

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