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unorthodox Meaning in Tamil ( unorthodox வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



unorthodox தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

முன்னாள் பேரரசுகள் தேவதை சதுரங்கக் காய் (Fairy chess piece) அல்லது மரபுவழியல்லாத சதுரங்கக் காய் (Unorthodox chess piece) என்பது வழமையான சதுரங்கத்தில் பயன்படுத்தப்படாத, ஆனால், சதுரங்க மாறுபாடுகளிலோ சதுரங்கப் புதிர்களிலோ பயன்படுத்தப்படும் சதுரங்கக் காய் ஆகும்.

இவரது பல சுயாதீன படைப்புகள் அத்வைதத்தில் மட்டுமல்லாமல், பௌத்தம் மற்றும் குறிப்பாக சமண மதம் போன்ற 16 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் தென் கன்னட பிராந்தியத்தில் செழித்தோங்கிய மரபுவழியல்லாத பள்ளிகளாகும்.

unorthodox's Usage Examples:

Janeway often finds unorthodox solutions to problems; this is no Starfleet martinet.

Here too we have the first sure trace of an expurgated recension, made with the idea of recovering the genuine form assumed, as earlier by Epiphanius, to lie behind an unorthodox recension of Clement's narrative.

If something unorthodox or random seems to pop into your mind when thinking of the person you wish to memorialize, consider that as a possible tat design.

It does not appear that up to this time the Pascal family had been contemners of religion, but they now eagerly embraced the creed, or at least the attitude of Jansenism, and Pascal himself showed his zeal by informing against the supposed unorthodoxy of a Capuchin, the Pere Saint-Ange.

His religious unorthodoxy was condoned because he never scoffed; his political heresies, after their first effect was over, seemed harmless from the very want of logic and practical spirit in them, while part at least of his literary secret was the common property of almost every one who attempted literature.

Thirdly, there can be no doubt that the Christians had recently assumed a much bolder attitude, and thus segregated themselves from the mass of those unorthodox sects which the Roman could afford to despise.

He refused to submit himself to any form of positive orthodoxy, yet when a man like Strauss pushed unorthodoxy to its extreme limits Quinet revolted.

Some people purchase both kinds of games, which lets the companies design and develop better games or unorthodox games that they may not have wanted to do in the first place.

, and a persecution raged in which, though the pope expressly protected the female Beguine communities of the Netherlands, there was little discrimination between the orthodox and unorthodox Beguines.

About the beginning of the 17th century he became a preacher among a sect called the "Seekers," and appears to have held unorthodox opinions about the divinity of Jesus Christ.

They're available in a variety of shapes, materials, colors, and patterns, making them ideal for anyone taking a fresh, unorthodox approach to decorating their living spaces.


irregular, maverick, unconventional,


constructive, affirmative, conformist, conventional,

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