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unnatural Meaning in Tamil ( unnatural வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


இயற்கைக்கு விரோதமான, விகாரமான, இயற்கைக்கு மாறான,

unnatural தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இன்று ஓரின ஈர்ப்பு தொடர்பாக மட்டுமே அறியப்படும் 377வது சட்டப் பிரிவு தொடக்கத்தில் வாய், ஆசனவாய் பங்கு பெறும் கலவியையும் இயற்கைக்கு விரோதமானது என்றே கருதியது.

நான்காம் நூற்றாண்டில் இந்நிலை மாறியது, தற்பால் சேர்க்கை இயற்கைக்கு விரோதமானதாகவும், இறைவனுக்கு எதிரானதாகவும் கருத்து பரவத்தொடங்கியது.

unnatural's Usage Examples:

overstrained waste disposal facilities was not unnaturally a consideration in some of the policy issues that arose.

charr populations which are unnaturally big - fish up to double figures have been recorded.

Many punk hair styles are carefully shaped into unnatural coifs, giving them form and texture that helps characterize them as punk.

She knew what it was all meant to represent, but it was so pretentiously false and unnatural that she first felt ashamed for the actors and then amused at them.

In addition a new, increased and long-enduring hostility was aroused in the country against the adherents of the old faith, not unnatural in the circumstances, but unjust and undiscriminating, because while some of the Jesuits were no doubt implicated, the secular priests and Roman Catholic laity as a whole had taken no part in the conspiracy.

Logan had seemed off in hindsight, his gestures unnatural and his talk stilted.

The life of the virtuous Japanese woman being essentially uneventful, these romancists not unnaturally sought their female types among dancing-girls and courtesans.

"Oh, undoubtedly!" said Prince Andrew, and with sudden and unnatural liveliness he began chaffing Pierre about the need to be very careful with his fifty-year-old Moscow cousins, and in the midst of these jesting remarks he rose, taking Pierre by the arm, and drew him aside.

Smiling unnaturally and muttering to himself, he first sat down on the sofa in an attitude of despair, then rose, went to the door of the reception room and peeped through the crack, returned flourishing his arms, and took up a book.

The technical perfection of the analysis which he offers is, granted the circle of presuppositions within which it works, so decisive, that what precedes, even Plato's logic, is not unnaturally regarded as merely preliminary and subsidiary to it.

18 In fact, the whole of the family morality in Hellas centred in Zeus, whose altar in the courtyard was the bond of the kinsmen; and sins against the family, such as unnatural vice and the exposure of children, are sometimes spoken of as offences against the High God.

George Busk >>In the so-called Selenariidae, probably an unnatural association of genera which have assumed a free discoidal form of zoarium, they may reach a very high degree of development, but Busk's suggestion that in this group they "may be subservient to locomotion" needs verification.

And the whole thing has been unnatural because that cat and I are both able to talk your language, and to understand the words you say.


violent, affected, supernatural, naturalness, paranormal,


moderate, normal, unaffected, unnaturalness, natural,

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