unhistoric Meaning in Tamil ( unhistoric வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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unhistoric's Usage Examples:
Pilate's place in the Christian tragedy, and perhaps also in the Creed, stimulated legend about him in two directions, equally unhistorical.
This view is unhistorical, and it ignores the various personal and national motives which lay behind that movement.
),which is quite unhistorical, mentions two kings with the name Artaphrenes, who may have been developed out of these two Persian commanders.
Hence, unless a later Pheidon is assumed, the statement of Ephorus must be considered unhistorical.
Thus, while one school of interpreters finds in the chapter the earliest fragment of the political history of western Asia, some even holding with Ewald that the narrative is probably based on old Canaanite records, other critics, as Noldeke, regard the whole as unhistorical and comparatively late in origin.
2 The most " unhistorical " tradition has some significance for the development of thought or of historywriting, and thus its internal features are ultimately of historical value.
On the other hand, these traditions, however unhistorical in their present form, cannot be pure imagination.
Moreover, several unhistorical statements (such as, e.
At the same time various details (as comparison with the Book of Kings shows) are relatively old and, on a priori grounds, it is extremely unlikely that the unhistorical elements are necessarily due to deliberate imagination or perversion rather than to the development of earlier traditions.
It was this, together with a certain native taste for ecclesiastical pomp, which made him - while condemning the unhistorical extravagances of the ultraritualists - himself a ritualist.
We cannot indeed regard them,with the ancients, as the best part of his history, for the majority of them are obviously unhistorical, and nearly all savour somewhat too much of the rhetorical schools to be perfectly agreeable to modern taste.
is unhistorical, and that the community addressed by Haggai consisted of the remnant that had been left in Jerusalem and its neighbourhood after the majority had gone into exile or fled to Egypt (Jer.