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ungrateful Meaning in Tamil ( ungrateful வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நன்றி மறந்த, அவலட்சணமான, நன்றி கெட்ட, நன்றிகெட்ட,

ungrateful தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நன்றி மறந்த சடையவர்மன் வீரபாண்டியன் சிங்கள மன்னருடன் நட்புக் கொண்டான்.

ungrateful's Usage Examples:

What do you mean, you ungrateful little rascal?As this ungrateful work brought no reward, Richelieu, in spite of the earnest entreaties of the queen-mother, retired once more to his bishopric.

A treasonable senate secretly plotting his dethronement, a mutinous diet rejecting the most necessary reforms for fear of "absolutism," ungrateful allies who profited exclusively by his victories - these were his inseparable companions during the remainder of his life.

Sycophantic he might have been, but he was neither ungrateful nor vindictive.

Marie de' Medici had turned against her "ungrateful" minister with a hatred intensified, it is said, by unrequited passion.

Williams private character was detestable: he was cruel, lascivious, greedy of gain, a habitual breaker of oaths and promises, ungrateful and irreligious.

The office of administering the cardinal's estate was a very ungrateful one, for the family resented the liberal benefactions of their kinsman to the Church and the univesity, and accused Dlugosz of exercising undue influence, from which charge he triumphantly vindicated himself.

Snubbed socially by the ungrateful Prince, Flashy observes: That, I confess, I found pretty raw.

Yes, these verses Nicholas wrote himself and I copied some others, and she found them on my table and said she'd show them to Mamma, and that I was ungrateful, and that Mamma would never allow him to marry me, but that he'll marry Julie.

The Camoens grotto, where the exiled poet found leisure to celebrate the achievements of his ungrateful country, lies in a secluded spot to the north of the town, which has been partly left in its native wildness strewn with huge granite boulders and partly transformed into a fine botanical garden.

There she was joined by Louis whom she adopted as her successor instead of the ungrateful Alphonso.

I must beg your pardon that 'tis I that send you this ungrateful account; but I thought it my duty to let you know it, so that you might act accordingly, being in myself fully satisfied that nothing but the greatest candour imaginable is to be expected from a person who has of all men the least need to borrow reputation.

Both in the north and in the south of this great and imperfectly explored continent, memories still clung which were ungrateful to imperialism.

Instead of simply bestowing his entire estate onto you, he has given all the riches to his ungrateful biological son, Lord Boras.


thankless, unthankful, unappreciative,


palatable, inoffensive, rewarding, grateful,

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