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ungenerous Meaning in Tamil ( ungenerous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ungenerous's Usage Examples:

In any case, the accusation is ungenerous.

What I always want is for them to say the marks are broadly accurate, if a little ungenerous.

Female respondents were on the whole not ungenerous in their estimations of Australianness as broadcast on the ABC.

Over this Munis was not so much bitter as sad - sad that comrades in the movement should have been so ungenerous.

It thus came to pass that in Purcell's voluminous biography much that was obviously never intended for the public eye was, perhaps inadvertently, printed, together with a good deal of ungenerous comment.

Indisputably Charles was cruel, ungenerous and vindictive; yet he seems, at all hazards, strenuously to have endeavoured to do his duty during a period of political and religious transition, and, despite his violence and brutality, possessed many of the qualities of a wise and courageous statesman.

In the negotiations of the Treaty of Paris (1783) the Dutch found themselves abandoned by their allies and com elled Pea c e of y, p to accept the disadvantageous but not ungenerous terms accorded to them by Great Britain.

He gives fullest scope to the ungenerous view that a vast proportion of professedly revealed truth was ingeniously palmed off by the more cunning on the more ignorant for the convenience of keeping the latter under.

He is described as the patron (if a somewhat ungenerous one) of literature; it was under his auspices that Firdousi collected the ancient myths of Persia and produced the great epic Sha/inama (Book of the Kings).

It is perhaps the worst crime, because the most cold-blooded and ungenerous, which can be laid to his charge.


close, meanspirited, beggarly, tight, closefisted, generosity, grudging, parsimonious, skinny, cheap, near, generousness, chintzy, tightfisted, miserly, mean, scrimy, penurious, stingy, uncharitable, hardfisted, cheeseparing, mingy, selfish, niggardly, penny-pinching, chinchy,


altruistic, generous, stinginess, unselfish, charitable,

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