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unfriendly Meaning in Tamil ( unfriendly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



unfriendly தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


unfriendly's Usage Examples:

His administration as finance minister of Canada was important, since in 1897 he introduced a new tariff, granting to the manufactures of Great Britain a preference, subsequently increased; and later he imposed a special surtax on German imports owing to unfriendly tariff legislation by that country.

He advised his fellow-townsmen to send Helen back to her husband, and showed himself not unfriendly to the Greeks and an advocate of peace.

He was in deep poverty, the Estates were chary of supplies, plotters in Scotland had been offering to Cecil to kidnap the king (1598), and his relations both with the English government and with his own subdued but struggling preachers were bitterly unfriendly.

Even conventional systems can struggle with the unfriendly loads imposed by a number of xenon beacons operating together.

His earlier volumes of poems, dealing with romantic themes, received little but unfriendly comment.

Relations with England were now unfriendly, and parliament, in March 1482, denounced Edward IV.

Fed up, he drunkenly steals his unfriendly wifes (an uncredited Courtney Cox) luxury car and drives it into a multi-car pileup.

Not until 1770, after O'Reilly had established Spanish rule by force at New Orleans, did a Spanish officer at St Louis take actual possession of the upper country; another on the ground, in 1768-1769, had forborne to assert his powers in the face of the unfriendly attitude of the inhabitants.

Her unfriendly gaze shifted to Katie.

The Church, it is true, in council after council, passed decisions unfriendly to the Jews.

unfriendly to strangers, but as Greek colonies sprang up on the shores this was changed to euxinus, friendly to strangers.


inhospitable, uncongenial, hostile,


defensive, emotional, hot, hospitable,

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