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unfordable Meaning in Tamil ( unfordable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


unfordable's Usage Examples:

Instead of concentrating his force upon one bridge over the swampy and unfordable Dyle, Grouchy scattered it in attacks upon several; and when the emperor's despatch arrived, saying Billow was in sight, the marshal was powerless to move westward.

So energetically do we pursue this aim that after crossing an unfordable river we burn the bridges to separate ourselves from our enemy, who at the moment is not Bonaparte but Buxhowden.

wide and quite unfordable.

Of the rivers traversing Bhutan, the most considerable is the Manas, flowing in its progress to the Brahmaputra under the walls of Tasgaon, below which it is unfordable.

The weather had become bad, and the Nive unfordable; but there were additional and serious causes of delay.

The river formed an unfordable barrier and also a useful means of communication.

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