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unflinching Meaning in Tamil ( unflinching வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



unflinching's Usage Examples:

His military character was the enlargement of his personal character - "desperate earnestness, unflinching straightforwardness," and absolute, almost fatalist, trust in the guidance of providence.

This note of exultation as in martyrdom was maintained with unflinching courage to the last.

Canovas resumed office in March 1895 immediately after the outbreak of the Cuban insurrection, and devoted most of his time and efforts, with characteristic determination, to the preparation of ways and means for sending 200,000 men to the West Indies to carry out his stern and unflinching policy of no surrender, no concessions and no reforms.

Pepys, who was secretary to the navy, has recorded the patient industry and unflinching probity of his naval administration.

humourith his previous film, Kitchen Stories (2003 ), Hamer suffuses Factotum with an unflinching deadpan humor.

Ivan meditated the regeneration of Muscovy, and the only men who could assist him in his task were men who could look steadily forward to the future because they had no past to look back upon, men who would unflinchingly obey their sovereign because they owed their whole political significance to him alone.

He was a tribune of the people, associated unflinchingly not merel y with the unpopular but with the unpolished; always carrying about him not merely a certain Roman look, but a patrician air.

They were commonly etched into a forearm or bicep, unflinchingly announcing the wearer's experiences and thrilling encounters that were worthy of commemoration.

He was throughout his life an unflinching advocate of the connexion between Church and State.

Meanwhile, however, the preparations for the return to specie payments were continued by the Administration with unflinching constancy and on the 1st of January 1879 specie payments were resumed without difficulty.

In the great invasion of 480-479 the Athenians displayed an unflinching resolution which could not be shaken even by the evacuation and destruction of their native city.


unblinking, unshrinking, fearless, unafraid, unintimidated,


insecure, cowardly, fearlessness, timid, afraid,

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