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uneasiness Meaning in Tamil ( uneasiness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


விசனம், அமைதியின்மை,

uneasiness தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதனால் விஷ்வ ஹிந்து பரிஷத், பஜ்ரங் தளம், ஸ்ரீராம் சேனை போன்ற பல சங்கப் பரிவாரக் குழுக்கள் இவர் மீது கடும் விசனம் கொண்டிருந்தனர் என்பதும் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.

uneasiness's Usage Examples:

He tried to cover his uneasiness but it seeped out, like the perspiration visible on his brow.

Yully watched him, alerted by the same sense of uneasiness she felt around her father lately.

And even now I sometimes feel the same uneasiness and disquietude.

Afterwards, seeing the trend of events, he showed some uneasiness and hesitation.

He saw the uneasiness on her face.

Kin asked, uneasiness replacing the glow in his eyes.

It was founded upon a feeling of uneasiness at a growing tendency among Roman Catholic writers not only to treat theology freely, but to corrupt it by paradoxes.

There was genuine uneasiness in her voice that drew his interest.

He was, however, born in the midst of wealth; thus frugality became asceticism, and in so far as he demanded the same rigour from his relatives, he grew unjust and caused uneasiness and discontent.


willies, disquietude, anxiety, edginess, inquietude,


console, quieten, tranquillise, ease, lull,

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