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undried Meaning in Tamil ( undried வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


undried தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உலராத மண் - வேலணையூர் சுரேஷ், (சரண்யா வெளியீடு), ஆவணி 1995.

உலராத மண் (கவிதைத் தொகுப்பு, 1995).

undried's Usage Examples:

over which the extant remains have been traced; it consisted of sundried brick on a stone foundation.

moist undried, sand, but sometimes of iron covered with a refractory coating to protect it from being melted or overheated by the molten cast iron.

You could also try adding a few olives, sundried tomatoes, gherkins, or some sunflower seeds.

It resembles the Casa Grande ruin of Chihuahua, Mexico, with its walls of sundried puddled clay, and its area of rooms, courts and plazas, surrounded by a wall.




dry, dryness,

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