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undesigned Meaning in Tamil ( undesigned வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


undesigned's Usage Examples:

It is one of the undesigned coincidences which confirm the credibility of Confucius's history, that his favourite disciple was a scion of the Yen clan.

The subject of the second undesigned experiment was a wire-haired fox-terrier.

The comparison of cranial indexes is rendered difficult by intentional flattening of the forehead and undesigned flattening of the occiput by the hard cradle-board.

His testimony will have additional weight if supported by the " undesigned coincidences " of other evidence, ancient and modern.

Incidentally, these two columns furnish an undesigned test of the accuracy of Steinmetz's law: the greatest difference is little more than t %.

More than all, perhaps, since his conception of ancient Roman story made laws and manners of more account than shadowy lawgivers, he undesignedly influenced history by popularizing that conception of it which lays stress on institutions, tendencies and social traits to the neglect of individuals.

Two articles in the Westminster Review, one on the Italian question, which procured him the special thanks of Cavour, the other on Essays and Reviews, which had the probably undesigned effect of stimulating the attack on the book, attracted especial notice.

Their incidental allusions sometimes cast vivid though undesigned light on the circumstances of the age, and they have made large contributions to our knowledge of imperial jurisprudence in particular.

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