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understood Meaning in Tamil ( understood வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தொக்கி நிற்கிற

understood's Usage Examples:

The mechanisms by which nuclear hyperfine coupling arises for radicals in fluid solution should be understood.

ossifyrnist impatience with ossified form is frequently misunderstood; Sinclair's dissatisfaction with words is the iconoclasm of an image-maker, not a nihilist.

They spread their wings and opened their mouths to show that they understood his words.

Its great abundance of curved trunks and boughs rendered the oak peculiarly valuable to the shipwright when the process of bending timber artificially was less understood; the curved pieces are still useful for knees.

The municipal magistrates took the title of sufetes in place of that of duumvirs, and in certain towns the Christian bishops were obliged to know the lingua Punica, since it was the only language that the people understood.

Gabriel understood why the old standard was gone.

Now that the ascription " to David " was understood of David's authorship before the time of the LXX.

The rekindling of the Imperial idea is understood as a timely act of revolt and redemption: of revolt against continuous humiliations deeply felt, redemption from the fate of nations obviously weak and suspected of timidity.

"His Recherche de la verite, in 1674, was the baptism of the system into a theistic religion which borrowed its imagery from Augustine; it brought into prominence the metaphysical base which Louis Delaforge, Jacques Rohault and Regis had neither cared for nor understood.

His disciples misunderstood what he said, but they trusted and followed him.


implicit, inexplicit, silent, tacit,


inexplicitness, denotative, overt, audible, ununderstood,

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