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undersell Meaning in Tamil ( undersell வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பிறரை விட குறைந்த விலைக்குக் கொடு,

undersell தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


undersell's Usage Examples:

undersellfelt that these were often undersold and overwhelmed by the negative aspects of Bradford.

The practice of "dumping" must be fairly met; if foreign goods were brought into England to undersell British manufacturers, either the Fair Wages Clause and the Factory Acts and the Compensation Act would have to be repealed, or the workmen would have to take lower wages, or lose their work.

undersellso sell out-door clothing at VERY good prices (matched only by the " never knowingly undersold " John Lewis shops ).

Think positively about your casual work experience and do not undersell yourself !Think positively about your casual work experience and do not undersell yourself!Do n't undersell yourself, realize your worth ' be proud of what you have achieved.

) the multiplicity of examinations tends to " underselling " (the success of the London examinations in medicine proves that a high standard attracts candidates as well as a low one; possibly intermediate standards may be killed in the competition; it is by no means obvious that a uniform system of examinations would conduce to efficiency); (x.


undercut, discount, sell,


buy, oblige, accept, increase,

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