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underparts Meaning in Tamil ( underparts வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


underparts's Usage Examples:

The uniformly reddish or chestnut-brown specimens approach most nearly to the wild mouflon or urial in colour, but the chestnut extends over the whole of the underparts and flanks; domestication having probably led to the elimination of the white belly and dark flank band, which are doubtless protective characters.

Here the winter birder should look for Pink-billed Larks with their warm chestnut or rufous underparts.

whitish underparts with brown streaks, but the female is duller than the male.

The general colour of the upper parts is yellowish grey, with or without a rusty tinge, which is, however, always noticeable on the head; while the underparts are lighter.

Both sexes have a chestnut mantle and whitish underparts with brown streaks, but the female is duller than the male.


belly, body part,



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