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unblushing Meaning in Tamil ( unblushing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

முகஞ் சிவப்புறாத

unblushing's Usage Examples:

A cynicism so unblushing shocked even the seasoned diplomats of the congress, who would have preferred that the king should have made a decent show of yielding to force.

When, therefore, it was understood that the government bill meant the council to be named in the bill for four years, or, in other words, to be named by the coalition ministry, it was generally regarded as an unblushing attempt to turn a measure for the good government of India into a measure for securing the ministry in office.

An unblushing nepotist, he alienated immense fiefs belonging to the Holy See in favour of his natural children.

had been consecrated by the greatness of his character and aims, was less impressive when it served as a cloak for an unlimited personal ambition and a family pride which displayed itself in unblushing nepotism.

Society is described as honeycombed with crimes and vices; prophets, priests, princes and the people generally are said to practise unblushingly extortion, oppression, murder, falsehood, adultery (xxii.

Manzoni, Scoria della colonna infame), and he was sometimes guilty of unblushing plagiarism.

His special interest in Christian Greek was partly the cause of his editing in 1877 The Apologies of Justin Martyr, " which" (to use his own words) "I used unblushingly as a repository for my syntactical formulae.

Both before and after the marriage he seems to have been a libertine as unblushing though not so fastidious as Charles himself.

Oppressive taxation and unblushing nepotism were Clement's great faults.


unashamed, shameless,


ashamed, penitent, repentant,

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