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tyrol Meaning in Tamil ( tyrol வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


tyrol தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

1845 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஆத்திரியாவின் டைரோல் மாகாணத்தில் சிகுவாசு நகரத்தில் முதன்முதலாக இது கண்டறியப்பட்டது.

tyrol's Usage Examples:

850) in Wandelbert of Priim's metrical martyrology (21st October): "Tunc numerosa simul Rheni per littora fulgent Christo virgines erecta tropaea maniplis Agrippinae urbi, quarum furor impius olim Millia mactavit ductricibus inclyta sanctis.

The oldest texts which refer to him are an 8th century necrology at Wiirzburg and the notice by Hrabanus Maurus in his martyrology.

Of his historical works the most valuable is one which was intended to be a Roman Catholic antidote to Foxe's well-known martyrology.

Defection from Zoroastrianism was punished with death, and therefore also the proselytizing of the Christians, though the Syrian martyrologies prove that the kings frequently ignored these proceedings so long as it was at all possible to do so.

He also undertook a new edition to the Roman martyrology (1586), which he purified of many inaccuracies.

In the oldest Roman ferial we already find festivals of Carthaginian martyrs, and similarly, in the Carthaginian calendar, Roman festivals, while Wright's Syriac Martyrology contains numerous traces of this exchange of festivals.

As a writer he is chiefly known as the reputed author of a collection of martyrologies which cover the reigns of Sapor II.

In the literature as it survives many different branches of writing are represented - homilies in prose and verse, hymns, exposition and commentary, liturgy, apocryphal legends, historical romance, hagiography and martyrology, monastic history and biography, general history, dogmatics, philosophy and science, ecclesiastical law, 'c.

Martyrology: Cockayne, in the Shrine, v.

Ethane, when heated to this degree, splits up into ethylene and hydrogen, whilst ethylene decomposes to methane and acetylene, and the acetylene at once polymerizes to benzene, styrolene, retene, 'c.

Another saint of this name, surnamed "the Goth," suffered martyrdom at the hands of Athanaric the Visigoth in the reign of Valentinian, and he is commemorated on the 12th of April in the Roman Martyrology, on varying days from 12th to, 8th in the Greek Menologies.

The list of anniversaries of a church formed its Martyrology.

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