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tymp Meaning in Tamil ( tymp வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


திரும்பத் திரும்ப அடித்து உள்ளிறக்கு,

tymp's Usage Examples:

Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.

In the skull the lachrymal bone is large, the paroccipital process is directed vertically downwards and the tympanic bulla is hollow.

) is the opening of the anterior tympanic recess.

The Octodontidae, which are exclusively South American, differ from the preceding family by the tympanic bulla being filled with cellular bony tissue, and by the par-occipital process curving beneath it, while the cheek-teeth are almost or completely rootless and composed of parallel plates.

Their numbers vary from one pair to seven, and they are inserted either upon the middle portion of the bronchial semi-rings (Mesomyodi), or upon the ends of these semi-rings where these pass into the inner tympaniform membrane (Acromyodi).

Baguant, ENT specialist comments, " Cotton buds can cause the formation of cerumen plugs by pushing cerumen plugs by pushing cerumen toward the tympanic membrane.

ear discomfort, red tympanic membranes, or fever alone are NOT specific diagnostic criteria.

Birds possess an ear-muscle which at least acts as a tensor tympani; it arises near the occipital condyle, passes through a hole into the tympanic cavity, and its tendon is, in various ways, attached to the inside of the membrane and the neighbouring extracolumellar processes.

Blevins 1963 don't get in tensor tympani because fibers too thin.

X P11,1x, premaxilla; Mx, maxilla; Ma, malar; Fr, frontal; L, lachrymal; Pa, parietal; Na, nasal; Sq, squamosal; Ty, tympanic; ExO, exoccipital; AS, alisphenoid; OS, orbito-sphenoid; Per, mastoid bulla.

In the tympanum is a relief of Bacchus (wrongly supposed to be of a female, and called the Bal-Kis, i.

The membrana tympani or drum of the ear, has, in like manner and on the same principles, the property of repeating the vibrations of the external air which it communicates to the internal parts of the ear.

In the Capromyidae, which includes only the South American and West Indian hutias, the South American coypu and the African cane-rats, the tympanic bulla of the skull is hollow, the par-occipital process straight, the lachrymal small, and the cheekteeth rooted, with deep enamel-folds; the first front toe Leing occasionally absent.

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