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tsetse Meaning in Tamil ( tsetse வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒருவகைக் கொடிய ஈ,

tsetse's Usage Examples:

Within the area thus defined tsetse-flies are not found continuously, however, but occur only in small tracts called" belts " or " patches," which, since cover and shade are necessities of life to these insects, are always situated in forest, bush or banana plantations, or among other shady vegetation.

Even better pasture is found in the low veld, but there stock suffers in summer from many endemic diseases, and in the more northerly regions is subject to the attack of the tsetse fly.

Domestic animals include the horse and donkey in the plateaus, but baggage animals are rare in the coast-lands, where the tsetse fly is found.

palpalis, although in South Africa there can be no question that the extermination of big game has been followed or accompanied by the disappearance of tsetse from many localities in which they formerly abounded.

For the anatomy of the tsetse see E.

Tsetse-flies are of great economic and pathological importance as the disseminators of tsetse-fly disease (nagana) and sleeping sickness.

Animals suffer from the ravages of bot flies (Oestridae) and gad flies (Tabanidae); while the tsetse disease is due to the tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans), carrying the protozoa that cause the disease from one horse to another.

In ordinary parlance fly is often used in the sense of the common house-fly (Musca domestica); and by English colonists and sportsmen in South Africa in that of a species of tsetse-fly (Glossin g), or a tract of country ("belt") in which these insects abound (see Tsetse-Fly).

It is important to note that although sleeping sickness (of which the chief foci are at present the Congo Free State and Uganda) has hitherto been associated with one particular species of Glossina, it has been shown experi mentally both that other tsetse-flies are able to transmit the parasite of the disease, and that G.

The tsetse fly (Glossing morsitans) infests several districts; the sand-flea has been imported from the west coast.

In appearance tsetse are somewhat narrow-bodied flies, with a prominent proboscis, which projects horizontally in front of the head, and with the wings in the resting position closed flat one over the other like the blades of a pair of scissors.

The reproduction of tsetse-flies is highly remarkable; instead of laying eggs or being ovovivi parous the females deposit at intervals of about a fortnight or three weeks a single full-grown larva, which forthwith buries itself in the ground to a depth of several centi metres, and assumes the pupal state.

In Rhodesia and on the east coast the tsetse fly is found and termites are widely distributed.


glossina, fly, genus Glossina, tzetze, tsetse fly, tzetze fly,


unalert, wet fly, dry fly, increase, stay in place,

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