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trover Meaning in Tamil ( trover வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


trover's Usage Examples:

He now took the lead in the reform of the pronunciation of Greek, his views after considerable controversy being universally adopted.

The Quakers had always been active controversialists, and a great body of tracts and papers was issued by them; but hitherto these had been of small account from a literary point of view.

John Mayr of Eck, a noted controversialist and professor of theology in the university of Ingolstadt, scented the Hussite heresy in the Theses, and denounced them in a tract entitled Obelisks.

Polygamists generally attempt to keep their lifestyle under wraps, which is what makes Kody Brown such a controversial figure.

In 1707 he published a Discourse on Church Government, and he took a prominent part in the controversy with Benjamin Hoadly, bishop of Bangor.

The homilies are not now read publicly, though they are sometimes appealed to in controversies affecting the doctrines of the Anglican Church.

Obtaining stem cells from umbilical cords is far less controversial than sourcing them from embryos (as many scientists would like to do).

But it must remain possible that contact with new scenes and persons, and especially such controversial necessities as are exemplified in Colossians, stimulated Paul to work out more fully, under the influence of Alexandrian categories, lines of thought of which the germs and origins must be admitted to have been present in earlier epistles.

Not every teenager who indulges in drugs and alcohol and who is introverted mulls over the possibility of committing suicide.

If you're looking for a message board to hook up with other fans, you'll want to learn about the fan groups, the controversies that can erupt and message board etiquette.

This latter practice, hotly denounced as idolatry during the iconoclastic controversy (see Iconoclasm), was finally established as orthodox by the second general council of Nicaea (787), which restored the worship of images.

Most people perceive Aquarius as being rather extroverted with excellent social skills.

The causes of homosexuality and bisexuality are unknown, although there are many controversial theories.

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