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trolleys Meaning in Tamil ( trolleys வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ரெயில் தண்டவாளங்களின் மேல் கையால் தள்ளப்படும் வண்டி,

trolleys தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


trolleys's Usage Examples:

I used to push the dinner trolleys to the wards.

Trips to the local supermarket revealed brits with trolleys.

Patients waiting on trolleys more than 12 hours.

You can leave your luggage with some very grumpy men with steel luggage trolleys.

These include commodes, kitchen trolleys, dressing aids, bed and chair raisers, chairs, wheelchairs, reaching aids and stools.

scoot along, or push trucks and trolleys.

Laundry basket: We saw a collapsible laundry basket and rolling toy trolleys at The Container Store for less than "20.

I filmed them all as they passed me, pushing their trolleys and gazing, wide-eyed at everything.

Some of the first overhead electric trolleys used in the United States were used here in 1885.

buggyh of the courses have clubs, trolleys and buggies for hire.

The stuff consisted of at least 5 supermarket trolleys, roped together with thick ropes, complete with grappling hook.


tram, trolley line, streetcar, tramcar, trolley car, horsecar, self-propelled vehicle,


stay in place,

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