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triangular Meaning in Tamil ( triangular வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



triangular தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


triangular's Usage Examples:

They are small rat-like rodents, with one pair of upper premolars, which are mere pins, as is the last molar, and the two pairs of limbs of normal length, with the metatarsals separate; the infra-orbital opening in the skull being triangular and widest below, while the incisive foramina in the palate are elongated.

A typical male flower consists of a central axis bearing numerous spirally-arranged sporophylls (stamens), each of which consists of a slender stalk (filament) terminating distally in a more or less prominent knob or triangular scale, and bearing two or more pollen-sacs (microsporangia) on its lower surface.

When the larvae are disturbed the similarity is produced with startling suddenness by the telescopic contraction of the anterior segments in such a manner as to suggest a triangular, pointed head with two large dorsal eyes.

It is enclosed by 20 triangular faces belonging to the original icosahedron, and 12 pentagonal faces belonging to the coaxial dodecahedron.

I); starting from the right and working toward the left, a large triangular area, uncovered by peritoneum and in direct contact with the diaphragm, is seen.

The " small rhombicuboctahedron " is bounded by 12 pentagonal, 8 triangular and 6 square faces; the " great rhombicuboctahedra " by 12 decagonal, 8 triangular and 6 square faces.

In the family Homolidae stands the strange genus Latreillia, Roux, with long slender limbs and triangular carapace after the fashion of oxyrhynch spider-crabs.

A pair of triangular prisms having a common face, or a stellate crystal formed by the symmetrical interpenetration of two triangular prisms admits of two internal reflections by faces inclined at 120°, and so give rise to two colourless images each at an angular distance of 120° from the sun.

Specimens in the museum at Tervueren near Brussels show that in fully adult males the horns are subtriangular and inclined somewhat backwards; each being capped with a small polished epiphysis, which projects through the skin investing the rest of the horn.

triangular junction to the west of Paisley West for a line to Barrhead.

It is a pinnatifid leaf, with the divisions pointing towards the petiole and a large triangular apex.


angulate, angular,


colorless, colourless, rounded,

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