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triad Meaning in Tamil ( triad வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒன்றுக்கொன்று இணைப்புடைய மூன்று பொருட்கள் கொண்ட தொகுதி,

triad's Usage Examples:

Fichte cannot be said to have developed a logic, but this rhythm of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, foreshadowed in part for Fichte in Spinoza's formula, " omnis determinatio est negatio," and significantly in Kant's triadic grouping of his categories, gave a cue to the thought of Hegel.

Those elements which are equivalent in combining or displacing power to a single atom of hydrogen are said to be univalent or monad elements; whilst those which are equivalent to two atoms of hydrogen are termed bivalent or dyad elements; and those equivalent to three, four, five or six atoms of hydrogen triad, tetrad, pentad or hexad elements.

The doctrine once established remained an inherent part of the Babylonian-Assyrian religion and led to the more or less complete disassociation of the three gods constituting the triad from their original local limitations.

There may have been an earlier temple here, but the present structure, dedicated to the Theban triad of Ammon, Mut and Khons, was erected by Amenophis III.

"As examples of such triads, vs they are called, may be mentioned that of Thebes, consisting if Ammon, Mut and Chons, father, mother and child; and as :ypical of the other kind, where a god was accompanied by two ~oddesses, that of Elephantine, consisting of Khnum, Satis and 5tnukis.

Female athlete triad: Female athletes at the high school or college level are at increased risk for a triad of disorders: excessive dieting or disordered eating, amenorrhea, and loss of bone minerals leading to osteoporosis.

As the three triads respectively represent intellectual, moral and physical qualities, the first is called the Intellectual, the second the Moral or Sensuous, and the third the Material World.

Do you want to spend two hours reading the welsh triads?triads used exclusively in the previous section.

Crystals of this class possess neither planes nor centre of symmetry, but only axes of symmetry: perpendicular to the principal triad axis there are three uniterminal dyad axes of symmetry.

, at a time of serious famine, they ordered the building of a temple to the Greek triad Demeter, Dionysus and Persephone, who were identified with the old Roman divinities Ceres, Liber and Libera: Apollo must have come with or before the books themselves, though his temple was not built till 433 B.

Postponing the discussion of this triad, it is to be noted that the systematization of the pantheon after the days of Khammurabi did not seriously interfere with the independence of the goddess Ishtar.

In most color monitors the dots are built of triads, groups of three phosphor dots, one for Red, Green and Blue.


trio, set, triple, trigon, triplet, triplicity, trilogy,


oblique triangle, ground, minority, majority, subtract,

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