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trenchant Meaning in Tamil ( trenchant வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சுருக்கென்ற, அரண், கடினமான,

trenchant தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அசிட்டிக் காடி நாவில் எரியும் உணர்வும், சுருக்கென்று மூக்கைத் துளைக்கும் கடுமையான நெடியும் கொண்ட நிறமற்ற ஒரு நீர்மம்.

trenchant's Usage Examples:

The revolution in Egypt in 1250 separated Damascus from Cairo more trenchantly than they had ever been separated since 1171: while a Mameluke ruled in Cairo, Malik-al-Nasir of Aleppo was elected as sultan by the emirs of Damascus.

"His rhind, no less trenchant and subtle than Hamilton's, was the most impressible, the most receptive, mind of his time in America.

In his trenchant criticism of the origin of what passed for Christianity in his time, he spoke bitter and severe truths, which have gained for him the reputation of the most rabid and wicked of all the enemies of Christianity.

From boyhood he had believed in a protective tariff, and throughout his active life he was its most trenchant advocate and propagandist.

He was very trenchant in his criticism of the Government; thus giving satisfaction to ardent spirits in the Unionist ranks, but causing ministerial speakers to contrast his bitterness and violence with Mr.

It was one of his most trenchant utterances, full of fancy, wit, eloquence and elevated thought.

15-21), 7 and this starts him afresh upon a trenchant expostulation and appeal (iii.

His vigorous perspectives and trenchant foreshortenings pioneered the way to other artists: in solid antique taste, and the power of reviving the aspect of a remote age with some approach to system and consistency, he distanced all contemporary competition.

He had been ceaselessly assailed, in and out)f paTliament, by the trenchant criticism, and often unmannerly sit, of Pitts friends, among whom George Canning was now :onspicuous.

Nevertheless he not only failed to accomplish the chief aim of his life, but Lecky trenchantly observes that "by a singular fatality the great advocate of repeal did more than any one else to make the Union a necessity.

The conflict between these two elements of Common Sense was too profound to be compromised; and the moral consciousness of mankind demanded a more trenchant partisanship than Aristotle's.


clear-cut, distinct, clear,


useless, impotent, inefficient, unclear,

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