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treasure Meaning in Tamil ( treasure வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



treasure தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பதையல் ஆய்வுப் பணிகள் 1926 அக்டோபர் 24, அக்டோபர் 30 மற்றும் 1927 திசம்பர் 15 ஆகியவற்றுக்கு இடைப்பட்ட காலகட்டங்களில் தொடங்கி நடந்தது.

treasure's Usage Examples:

Capitalizing on the same kind of interest as films like Batman Begins, we have a video game that features one of the most treasured characters from the DC Comics Universe.

Finally, marvel at museum facsimiles of some of Tutankhamun's greatest golden treasures, including the funerary mask.

These are easily recognized as " Popular Rhymes," a form of folk-lore to be met with in most countries, treasured by the people as a kind of proverbs.

How did this man become so fabulously wealthy from a life supposedly devoted to public service?To the reverse of the frame it has been fabulously finished has swivel hooks which secure the treasured photo's in place.

Thanks to all these architectural treasures, the narrow Sienese streets with their many windings and steep ascents are full of picturesque charm, and, together with the collections of excellent paintings, foster the local pride of the inhabitants and preserve their taste and feeling for art.

His waste of time and treasure upon a fascinating mistress named Shadu l-Mulk, the delight of the kingdom, soon brought about his deposition, and in 1408 he gave way to Shah Rukh, who, with the exception of Miran Shah, was the only surviving son of Timur.

In 1685-86 the Pacific coast was ravaged by Dampier and Swan, and in 1709 Woodes Rogers, with Dampier as pilot, captured the Manila treasure galleon, a feat repeated by Anson in 1743.

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga: Combining two of the most treasured franchises in gaming and toy history, this game walks you through a great intergalactic story filled with plenty of action and puzzles to enjoy.

The work derives its name from the picturesque story of the cave where Adam deposited the treasure of gold, myrrh and incense which he had brought away from paradise: the cave was used as a burying-place by him and his descendants until the deluge.

It induced many Spanish explorers to lead expeditions in search of treasure, but all failed.

World War II Military records can contain a treasure trove of information for genealogists.

Anthony Nelson, Chief Executive is a member of The Association of corporate treasurers.


trove, valuable, hoarded wealth, fortune, king"s ransom, wealth, treasure trove, riches,


forget, say farewell, welcome, mistrust, distrust,

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