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transmigration Meaning in Tamil ( transmigration வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மறு (புனர்) ஜனனம், மறு சரீரத்தில் செல்லுதல்,

transmigration's Usage Examples:

Incidentally it held out the hope, to those who believed in it, of a mode of escape from the miseries of transmigration.

Personal identity may be absorbed, as in the transmigration of souls, or it may even be denied, while the good or bad result of one life is held to determine the weal or woe of another.

810, a celebrated Buddhist priest, Kkai, who had spent several years studying in China, compounded out of Buddhism, Confucianism and ShintO a system of doctrine called Ryobu Shinto (Dual Shinto), the prominent tenet of which was that the ShintO deities were merely transmigrations of Buddhist divinities.

In Tibet a lama (priest) is called in to cut off some hairs from the head of a dying person, in order that his soul may escape through the top of his head, which is deemed an essential condition of a good transmigration (Horace de la Penna, in Bogle and Manning's Travels in Tibet, ed.

Even the earliest name Nigantha, which means "free from bonds," may not be without allusions to this curious belief in the sanctity of nakedness, though it also alluded to freedom from the bonds of sin and of transmigration.

Once at a village where he rested the Blessed One (Buddha) addressed his brethren and said: "It is through not understanding and grasping four Noble Truths, 0 brethren, that we have had to run so long, to wander so long in this weary path of transmigration, both you and I.

views that he taught the transmigration of souls (Origen in Ep.

Clemens accuses Basilides of a deification of the Devil (Oast etv Ten) 8c'f30Xov), and regards as his two dogmas that of the Devil and that of the transmigration of souls (Strom.

Let him reflect on the transmigrations of men, caused by their sinful deeds, on their falling into hell, and on their torments in the world of Yama.

In India, the (still unexplained) rise of the doctrine of transmigration hindered belief.

The idea is there also put forward in connexion with a belief in transmigration.

Sikhism mainly differs from Christianity in that it inculcates the transmigration of the soul, and adopts a belief in predestination, which is universal in the East.


renascence, rebirth, reincarnation,



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