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tramped Meaning in Tamil ( tramped வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



tramped தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


tramped's Usage Examples:

tramped off to find the course.

After much negotiation the leader, Mr William Lane, a Brisbane journalist, decided on Paraguay, and he tramped across the continent, preaching a new crusade, and gathering in funds and recruits in his progress.

tramped down the road.

He went with the first rush to Klondike in 1897 and tramped across the States and Canada, being in gaol more than once as a vagabond.

The pair tramped further to the next closest point where they could see his line of descent to the river far below.

Once everyone had rolled out an obligatory joke about the joy rides we tramped off to find the course.

They then tramped northwards through thick pine forests, hoping to jump on a boat to Sweden.

Before winter, all tall grass and loose litter should be taken away; if this is not done, then the first snow should be tramped heavily around the plants, in order to destroy any nesting-places.

drovers ' tracks dimly sensing their destiny in the unwitting feet that tramped them into being.

The mist seemed to be getting thicker as the man slowly tramped down the road.




hop out, rush,

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