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trait Meaning in Tamil ( trait வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



trait தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


trait's Usage Examples:

He now fled to Russia, where he was interned at Kaluga, while at home he was condemned to confiscation and death as a traitor, and his unjustly accused mistress Magdalena Rudenschold was publicly whipped to gratify an old grudge of the regent's.

"On these grounds the adversaries of Demosthenes, in after-days, used absurdly to taunt him with a traitorous or barbarian ancestry.

Her great qualities were relieved by human traits which make her more sympathetic.

Immediately on the outbreak of the revolution President Balmaceda published a decree declaring Montt and his companions to be traitors, and without delay organized an army of some 40,000 men for the suppression of the insurrectionary movement.

She managed to capture every nuance of his expression in the portrait.

342-378 (Leipzig, 1877); Thiaucourt, Essai sur les traites philosophiques de Ciceron (Paris, 1885); Schmekel, Die Philosophie der mittlern Stoa (1892); Arnold, Untersuchungen fiber Theophanes von Mytilene and Posidonius von Apamea (1882).

Servets (1876, in French, with additions by Dardier, Portrait Caractere, 1879).

It illustrates a favourable trait in the archbishop's character that he forgave all the conspirators.

On the Loth Tyler seized Canterbury, sacked the palace of Archbishop Sudbury, the chancellor, and beheaded three citizens as "traitors.

Blue eyes in Eleanor's modern portrait come from a contemporary writer's description.

His portrait was thus drawn by the duc de St Simon: - "He was a little, pitiful, wizened, herringgutted man, in a flaxen wig, with a weasel's face, brightened by some intellect.

Franz Kafka: Illustrated Life is a photographic biography that offers a fresh, intimate portrait in an attractive format.

Because every founder brings his or her own mix of personal traits and skills to the startup, every founder is going to experience the challenges in his or her own way.


mistrust, nature, serious-mindedness, demeanor, trustiness, sound judgement, individuality, rurality, fiber, personality, inattentiveness, inactiveness, discipline, flexibility, inactivity, untrustworthiness, self-concern, attentiveness, character, emotionalism, conduct, untrustiness, inertia, individualism, irresoluteness, humility, pride, firmness, self-centeredness, ruralism, egocentrism, unwiseness, uncleanliness, tractableness, thoughtfulness, trustingness, individuation, muliebrity, tractability, folly, deportment, emotionality, unemotionality, vanity, activeness, resoluteness, distrust, judgment, resolution, wisdom, humbleness, wiseness, behavior, judgement, earnestness, undiscipline, self-interest, compulsivity, attribute, egoism, uncommunicativeness, thoughtlessness, demeanour, activity, seriousness, perspicacity, drive, resolve, masculinity, sincerity, firmness of purpose, trustworthiness, femininity, sound judgment, trustfulness, frivolity, compulsiveness, emotionlessness, stinginess, irresolution, indiscipline, trust, unthoughtfulness, behaviour, communicativeness, foolishness, distrustfulness, intractableness, frivolousness, fibre, conceit, intractability, cleanliness, conceitedness,


masculinity, altruism, trustworthiness, uncleanliness, femininity, generosity, thoughtfulness, trustiness, frivolity, tractability, folly, indiscipline, trust, inattentiveness, inactiveness, discipline, uncommunicativeness, emotionality, attentiveness, activeness, unthoughtfulness, untrustworthiness, unemotionality, communicativeness, resoluteness, commonality, seriousness, untrustiness, distrust, wisdom, conceit, irresoluteness, intractability, cleanliness, humility,

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