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trad Meaning in Tamil ( trad வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



trad தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

Cultural Transaction and Early India: Tradition and Patronage, Two Lectures, 1994; OUP, .

Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition, History (HEARTH)An e-book collection of over 1,000 books spanning 1850 to 1950, created by Cornell University's Mann Library.

World Bank Summary Trade Statistics Dominican Republic.

Electronic Paper:Merging between Traditional Publishing ' e-Publishing .

1825 இறப்புகள் உள்ளூர் உடல்நல மரபுகள் மீட்டுயிர்ப்பு நிறுவனம் (Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions - FRLHT) பெங்களூருவை அடுத்த யெலஹங்காவில் அமைந்துள்ள ஒரு பொது அறக்கட்டளையும் அற நிறுவனமும் ஆகும்.

Traditional Japanese Theater: An Anthology of Plays.

Ancient Indian Tradition ' Mythology: Purāṇas in Translation, 1970, Jagdish Lal Shastri, Arnold Kunst, G.

Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corporation.

Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology (English translation of the Mahapuranas, 74 Volumes already published);.

Buddhist Tradition Series, edited by Alex Wayman (30 Volumes);.

அயான் வணிகம் (ION Trading).

The Left Tradition in Lankan Tamil Politics (2001, in Hector Abhayavardhana Felicitation Volume).

Alan (1999), "The Buddhist Tradition of Samatha: Methods for Refining and Examining Consciousness", Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3): 175-187 .

நவம்பர், 2018-இல், எம்மா மெக்கிளர்க்கின் (Emma McClarkin) (இவர் கனடா நாட்டில் Conservative MEP ஆவார்) கட்டச்சங்கிலி தொழில் நுட்பத்தை பயன்படுத்தி வணிகத்தை நவீன மயமாக்க வேண்டும் என்று கூறிய கூற்றை நாடடாளு மன்ற வணிகச் செயர்க் குழு (Parliament’s Trade Committee) வரவேற்று இருக்கின்றது.

trad's Usage Examples:

Ashland has an excellent harbour, has large iron-ore and coal docks, and is the principal port for the shipment of iron ore from the rich Gogebec Range, the annual ore shipment approximating 3,500,000 tons, valued at "12,000,000, and it has also an extensive export trade in lumber.

Moreover, in the universal unrest and oversetting of all authority, Christianity itself was in danger of perishing, not only as the result of the cultured paganism of the Renaissance, but also through the brutish ignorance of the common folk, deprived now of their traditional religious restraints.

From adaptations of traditional hairdos to modern edgy styles, there are nearly limitless options for teens today.

The former considerable fishing and coasting trade was ruined by the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, a large stretch of coast line and the seaport towns of Charingin and Anjer being destroyed by the inundation.

Woollen fabrics are manufactured, and the sugar industry established in 1890 employs several thousand hands; but the majority of the inhabitants are occupied by the trade in grain, fruit, wine and oil.

They are eagerly drunk by the pilgrims, or when poured over the body are held to give a miraculous refreshment after the fatigues of religious exercise; and the manufacture of bottles or jars for carrying the water to distant countries is quite a trade.

Moreover, the queen of England increased his difficulties by making him the bearer of offensive messages to the barons, and by contradictory instructions.

Canoe and house building are trades usually confined to certain families.

A dissolved in B and B dissolved in A, since both of these solutions emit vapours of the same composition (this follows since the same vapour must be in equilibrium with both solutions, for if it were not so a cyclic system contradicting the second law of thermodynamics would be realizable).

"Maybe I'll call the state and see if I can get a number where we can reach Martha," Dean said as they put away the tools of their trade.

in circumference, is celebrated for the tradition that Huayna-Capac, one of the great conquerors of the Inca dynasty, defeated an army of rebellious Carranquis on its shores, and threw so many of their bleeding corpses into it as to turn its waters to the colour of blood.





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