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toxins Meaning in Tamil ( toxins வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


செடி கொடி விலங்குகளில் நோய் கிருமிகளால் உண்டான நஞ்சு,

toxins's Usage Examples:

In 1904 he delivered at the university of California a course of lectures, the object of which was to illustrate the application of the methods of physical chemistry to the study of the theory of toxins and antitoxins, and which were published in 1907 under the title Immunochemistry.

This is an increased exudation of fluid from the engorged blood vessels which not only dilutes the toxins, but is supposed to contain substances which in some way act on these living micro-organisms and render them a more easy prey to the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes (fig.

A healthy person can be rendered insusceptible by gradually accustoming him to increasing doses of these poisons, and this immunity is due to antitoxins which are found in the blood-serum and which are products of the blood cells.

Both sleeplessness and pain are sometimes due to the action of toxins absorbed from the intestine, and both of them may High sometimes be relieved more efficiently by thorough purgation than by narcotics.

The latter view, first advocated by Ehrlich, harmonizes with the facts established with regard to toxic action and the behaviour of antitoxins, and may now be regarded as established.

It forms a valuable treatment in diabetic coma and eclampsia, acting by diluting the toxins in the blood.

The effect of the abnormal conditions is probably to stop the production of, or weaken or destroy the protective enzymes or antitoxins, the presence of which normally confers immunity on the leaf.

These toxins may become free in the culture fluid, and the living bacteria may then be got rid of by filtering the fluid through a filter of unglazed porcelain, whose pores are sufficiently small to retain them.

Amongst these may be mentioned the neutralizing of the toxins in cases of diphtheria, tetanus and poisonous snake-bite; " serum therapeutics "; and treatment by " vaccines.

Biofuels produce fewer carbon emissions than fossil fuels, thereby reducing air pollution, greenhouse gasses, and toxins.

As if that wasn't scary enough, over 50 percent of the chemicals found on the tested apples were neurotoxins.

Pseudomonas are highly motile and posses multiple virulence factors including proteases and exotoxins.


bacterial toxin, hepatotoxin, neurotoxin, poison, endotoxin, poisonous substance, toxicant, ricin, plant toxin, nephrotoxin, cytotoxin, ricin toxin, neurolysin, animal toxin, phytotoxin, zootoxin, exotoxin,


constructiveness, nontoxic, exotoxin, endotoxin,

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