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tout Meaning in Tamil ( tout வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

வாடிக்கைத் தேட்டம்

tout's Usage Examples:

One of the next arrivals was a stout, heavily built young man with close-cropped hair, spectacles, the light-colored breeches fashionable at that time, a very high ruffle, and a brown dress coat.

Equisetites columnaris, a common fossil in the Jurassic plant-beds of the Yorkshire coast, represents another type with relatively stout and occasionally branched vegetative shoots, bearing leaf-sheaths very like those of Equisetum maximum and other Horsetails.

C'est la fable de tout Moscou.

At last, however, his temporary connexion with the college de Beauvais was ended by a feat of arms which proved him as stout a fighter with his sword as with his pen; and, since his victory was won over officers of the king's guard, it again became expedient for him to change his place of residence.

Thin bronze arrow-heads appear at an early date; under the Empire they are stouter and furnished with a tang, and later still, towards the Greek period, they are socketed (often three-sided), or, if of iron, ~til1 tanged.

But joy ended in tears as normal time and extra time passed goalless - and Portugal won the penalty shootout.

When used for walking, one of the rami, usually the inner, is stout and cylindrical, terminating in a claw, and having the segments united by definite hinge-joints.

Gingko Biloba is touted as a memory enhancer, however the Mayo Clinic explains that the evidence is not definitive.

Due to the high concentration of late night public houses, there is an ongoing problem with unlicensed taxi touts in the Escheat area.

Beat the summer doldrums by having a mini Christmas in July party, complete with music, cutout cookies and a gag gift exchange.

The build is stout and heavy, the limbs and tail are short, the ears moderate, the eyes minute and the feet five-toed and plantigrade.

This Jurassic species bore bipinnate fronds not unlike those of the South African, Australian, and New Zealand Fern Todea barbara, which were characterized by a stout rachis and short broad pinnules bearing numerous large sporangia covering the under surface of the lamina.


advertiser, advertizer, touter, adman,


lose, complain, defeat, beginning, failure,

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