<< tourmalin tourmalines >>

tourmaline Meaning in Tamil ( tourmaline வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


tourmaline's Usage Examples:

Among the commonest associates of the diamond are quartz, topaz, tourmaline, rutile, zircon, magnetite, garnet, spinel and other minerals which are common accessory constituents of granite, gneiss and the crystalline schists.

Sapphires are also found in Kashmir, where they occur, associated with tourmaline, in the Zanskar range, especially near the village of Soomjam.

The granite, which is intruded through the Eocene beds, is associated with a pegmatite containing tourmaline and cassiterite.

"Other valuable stones, the topaz, chrysolite, aquamarine amethyst and tourmaline are found.

In blue tourmaline and in iolite - stones sometimes mistaken for sapphire - the dichroism is much more distinct.

Tanzanite, aquamarine, rubies, peridot, onyx, pearls, and pink tourmaline are also popular choices, giving couples the opportunity to have more unique designs than classic diamonds.

Cassiterite >>The granite, which is intruded through the Eocene beds, is associated with a pegmatite containing tourmaline and cassiterite.

Other valuable stones, the topaz, chrysolite, aquamarine amethyst and tourmaline are found.

Many semi-precious and precious stones are found in Utah, including garnet (long sold to tourists by the Navaho Indians), amethyst, jasper, topaz, tourmaline, opal, variscite (or " Utahlite "), malachite, diopside and Smithsonite.

Flattened crystals of garnet, films of quartz, and needles of tourmaline are not uncommon.

This rock has pre and contemporaneous pegmatites containing muscovite and tourmaline.

mica, talc, chlorite, haematite), or in long blades or fibres (anthophyllite, tremolite, actinolite, tourmaline), and, when these have a well marked parallel arrangement in definite bands or folia, the rock will break far more easily along the bands than across them.


schorl, transparent gem, mineral,



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