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tottering Meaning in Tamil ( tottering வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தள்ளாடி நடக்கிற, தள்ளாடி நட,

tottering தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எனவே மயில் தள்ளாடித் தள்ளாடி நடந்ததாம்.

tottering's Usage Examples:

Russia and Turkey, naturally hostile to one another, had taken occasion of the weakness of Persia to forget their mutual quarrels and unite to plunder the tottering kingdom of the Safawid kings.

Andrew, who behaved with injudicious violence, was banished to France, James to Newcastle; other preachers were confined to their parishes; and by a mixture of chicanery (as at the pseudo assembly of Linlithgow) and of violence, the king established his tottering episcopacy, and sowed the dragon's teeth of civil war.

While thrones were falling or tottering in every country in Europe, it was inevitable that excitement and agitation should prevail in Great Britain.

Its last manifestation was the successful defence of the monastery of Czenstochowa by Prior Kordecki against the finest troops in Europe, its last representative was Stephen Czarniecki, who brought the fugitive John Casimir back from exile and reinstalled him on his tottering throne.

"While thrones were falling or tottering in every country in Europe, it was inevitable that excitement and agitation should prevail in Great Britain.

In this way Gallicanism, which had once stood for all that was national and progressive, now came to mean subservience to a feeble autocracy already tottering to its fall.

He moved towards tl e door, calling to them to support his tottering steps.

During eight years (1806-1814) the chief places of the island had been garrisoned by British troops; and the commander of the force which upheld the tottering rule of Ferdinand at Palermo naturally had great authority.

These events shook the whole Persian empire; Babylon and other subject states rose in revolt, and to the Jews it seemed that Persia was tottering and that the Messianic era was nigh.

At length Ishbaal lost the main prop of his tottering cause by remonstrating with Abner for marrying Rizpah, one of Saul's concubines, an alliance which, according to Oriental notions, implied pretensions to the throne (cp.

The ministry of Lord North, however, was tottering, and soon after fell; the Board of Trade was abolished by the passing of Burke's bill in 1782, and Gibbon's salary vanished with it - no trifle, for his expenditure had been for three years on a scale somewhat disproportionate to his private fortune.


unsteady, tottery,


even, unagitated, steady,

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