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topographically Meaning in Tamil ( topographically வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


topographically தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மைக்கேல் வுட் இந்திய துணைக்கண்டம் முழுவதும் பயணித்து, இந்தியாவின் வளம், பலதரப்பட்ட மக்கள், கலாச்சாரம், இயற்கை மற்றும் நிலஅமைப்புகள் குறித்தான தடயத்தை இந்த நிகழ்வில் பதிவுசெய்கிறார்.

topographically's Usage Examples:

They are peculiar in having their altitude dependent on the depth of revived erosion, instead of the amount of faulting, and they are sometimes topographically reversed, in that the revived scarp overlooks a lowland worn on a weak formation in the upheaved fault-block.

Itis determined The Great structurally by a belt of topographically weak limestones VaJie and shales (or slates) next inland from the crystalline ~ uplands; hence, whatever the direction of the rivers which drain the belt, it has been worn down by Tertiary erosion to a continuous lowland from the Gulf of St Lawrence to central Alabama.

-In this order there is no longer any trace of bilateral symmetry in the circulatory, respiratory and excretory organs, the topographically right half of the pallial complex having completely disappeared, except the right kidney, which is FIG.

See "Victoria County History": Devonshire; Kingsbridge and Sulcombe, with the intermediate Estuary, historically and topographically depicted (Kingsbridge, 1819); S.

In dextral Gastropods the only structure found on the topographically right side of the rectum is the genital duct.

Again, in Kentucky and Tennessee, there is a double alternation of sandstone and limestone in the plateau-making strata; and as the skyline of the plateau bevels across these formations, there are west-facing escarpments, made ragged by mature dissection, as one passes from the topographically strong sandstone to the topographically weak limestone.

The mountains beyond Guantanamo are locally known by a variety of names, though topographically a continuation of the Sierra Maestra.

The gonaduct, therefore, is derived from the topographically right kidney.

portion of the state is, topographically, similar to south-eastern Alabama, being a rolling, hilly country; the eastern section is a part of the Atlantic coastal plain; the western coast line is less regular than the eastern, being indented by a number of bays and harbours, the largest of which are Charlotte Harbour, Tampa Bay and Pensacola Bay.

The whole of the Andamans and the outlying islands were completely surveyed topographically by the Indian Survey Department under Colonel Hobday in 1883-1886, and the surrounding seas were charted by Commander Carpenter in 1888-1889.

The pericycle, medullary rays, endocycle and mesoderm all form parts of one tissue system, the external conjunctive, and are only topographically separable.

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