titi Meaning in Tamil ( titi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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titi தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
Atja (1968), Tjarita Parahijangan: Titilar Karuhun Urang Sunda Abad Ka-16 Masehi.
**** White-eared Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) donacophilus.
**** Rio Beni Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) modestus.
**** Rio Mayo Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) oenanthe.
**** Ollala Brothers' Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) olallae.
**** White-coated Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) pallescens.
நைகர்-கொங்கோ மொழிகள் தித்திகாக்கா ஏரி (ஆங்கிலம்:Titicaca,ஸ்பானிய மொழி:Lago Titicaca) அந்தீசு மலைத்தொடர் பகுதியில் பொலிவியா மற்றும் பெருவின் எல்லையில் அமைந்த ஏரி ஆகும்.
திற்றிகச்சா (Titicacha), .
jpg|Titian, The Fall of Man, c.
**** White-tailed Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) discolor.
**** Hershkovitz's Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) dubius.
**** Ornate Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) ornatus.
**** Stephen Nash's Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) stephennashi.
*** Lucifer Titi, Callicebus (Torquatus) lucifer.
*** Black Titi, Callicebus (Torquatus) lugens.
*** Colombian Black-handed Titi, Callicebus (Torquatus) medemi.
*** Rio Purus Titi, Callicebus (Torquatus) purinus.
*** Red-headed Titi, Callicebus (Torquatus) regulus.
*** Collared Titi, Callicebus (Torquatus) torquatus.
1781-இல் யுரேனசு(uranus) கண்டு பிடிக்கப்பட்ட பின்பு, டைட்டசு-போடு விதியின்படி (Titius–Bode law), செவ்வாய்க்கும் வியாழனுக்கும் இடையில் ஒரு கோள் இருக்கவேண்டும் என்று பலர் கருதத் தொடங்கினர்.
**** Baptista Lake Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) baptista.
**** Prince Bernhard's Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) bernhardi.
**** Brown Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) brunneus.
**** Ashy Black Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) cinerascens.
**** Hoffmanns's Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) hoffmannsi.
**** Red-bellied Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) moloch.
**** Chestnut-bellied Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) caligatus.
**** Caquetá Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) caquetensis.
**** Coppery Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) cupreus.
**** Barbara Brown's Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) barbarabrownae.
**** Coimbra Filho's Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) coimbrai.
**** Coastal Black-handed Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) melanochir.
**** Black-fronted Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) nigrifrons.
**** Atlantic Titi, Callicebus (Callicebus) personatus.
பிலிப்பீன்சின் புவியியல் தித்திவாங்சா மலைத்தொடர் (Titiwangsa Mountains, மலாயு: Banjaran Titiwangsa) என்பது தீபகற்ப மலேசியாவின் மத்தியமலைத் தொடராகும்.
titi's Usage Examples:
He had a passion for geography and travellers' tales, for descriptions of natural wonders and ruined cities, and was himself a practised fictitious narrator and fabulist, as other passages in his MSS.
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In order to justify superstition and the ancient forms of worship, philosophy becomes in his hands a theurgy, a knowledge of mysteries, a sort of spiritualism.
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1 The minerals produced are tin, gold, iron, galena and others, in insignificant quantities.
They suffered, not only from the regular taxes, which were seldom remitted even after bad seasons, but also from monopolies; and Procopius goes so far as to allege that the emperor made a practice of further recruiting his treasury by confiscating on slight or fictitious pretexts the property of persons who had displeased Theodora or himself.
Contempt for reason and science leads in the end to barbarism - its necessary consequence being the rudest superstition.
1879), who also laboured for the amelioration of the conditions of the peasantry on his estate, and combated the Rundale system of minute repartition of property.
Canons were adopted, thirty according to the generally received tradition, although the most ancient texts contain but twentyeight, and, as Hefele points out, the so-called twenty-ninth and thirtieth are properly not canons, but repetitions of proposals made in a previous session.
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