thine Meaning in Tamil ( thine வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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thine தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
குதிரை அணிவகுப்புத் தலைவன் அரசனிடம் குதிரைகளை முன்னும் பின்னும் நடத்தி, அவற்றின் உறுப்புச் சிறப்பைக் கூறி, 'இவை உன்னுடையவை' என்று கூறி ஒப்படைத்தான்.
thine's Usage Examples:
In consequence of the bad stowage, which was held to amount to unseaworthiness, some of the deck cargo was lost overboard.
The great fertility of these regions and the marvellous wealth of their forests are irresistible attractions to industrial and commercial enterprise, but their unhealthiness restricts development and is a bar to any satisfactory increase in population.
It was fortunate for Italy that during the whole period 1869 1876 the direction of her foreign policy remained in the experienced hands of Visconti-Venosta, a statesman whose Foreign trustworthiness, dignity and moderation even political policy opponents have been compelled to recognize.
In 1699 Batavia was visited by a terrible earthquake, and the streams were choked by the mud from the volcano of Gunong Salak; they overflowed the surrounding country and made it a swamp, by which the climate was so affected that the city became notorious for its unhealthiness, and was in great danger of being altogether abandoned.
"Here is that mob, the dregs of the people," he thought as he gazed at the crowd: "this rabble they have roused by their folly!In the war with Pisa he had observed the insubordination and untrustworthiness of soldiers gathered from the dregs of different districts, serving under egotistical and irresponsible commanders.
2-9) rely upon the historical trustworthiness of 2 Kings xxii.
Should a man's son or friend dear to him as his own soul seek to tempt him from the faith of his fathers, D's pitiless order to that man is "Thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death.
"He addressed her in an ode of which a fragment is preserved: "Violetweaving (or dark-haired), pure, sweet-smiling Sappho, I wish to say somewhat, but shame hinders me"; and she answered in another ode: "Hadst thou had desire of aught good or fair, shame would not have touched thine eyes, but thou wouldst have spoken thereof openly.
In the Augsburg Confession (1530), which was largely due to him, freedom is claimed for the will in non-religious matters, and in the Loci of 1533 he calls the denial of freedom Stoicism, and holds that in justification there is a certain causality, though not worthiness, in the recipient, subordinate to the Divine causality.
But the Prussians having studied their allies in the war of 1864 knew the weakness of the Austrian staff and the untrustworthiness of the contingents of some of the Austrian nationalities, and felt fairly confident that against equal numbers they could hold their own.
Collier, 1870), of the Worthines of Wales (Spenser Soc.
BERBERINE, C 20 H 17 N0 4, an alkaloid occurring together with the alkaloids oxyacanthine C18H19N03, berbamine C18H19N03, hydrastine C21H21N06, and canadine C 20 H 21 N0 4, in Berberis vulgaris; it also occurs in other plants, Berberis aristata, B.
In 1851 he published a Histoire des etas scandinaves, which is especially valuable for clear arrangement and for the trustworthiness of its facts.