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thimble Meaning in Tamil ( thimble வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



thimble தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


thimble's Usage Examples:

With a proper arrangement of the operator's speaking set it is possible, by touching the socket of a jack with the tip of a peg or a special " test " thimble, to determine whether the circuit connected to the jack is in use.

Give me my thimble, Miss, from there.

He then ascends to the surface, carries down a bubble of air and releases it inside the mouth of the silk-thimble, thus replacing a certain amount of water.

If you collect baseball cards, coins, figurines of a particular kind of animal, thimbles, teacups, or any number of other collectible items, use elements of your collection to decorate your tree.

The external form of the Hydromedusae varies from that of a deep bell or thimble, characteristic of the Anthomedusae, to the shallow saucer-like form characteristic of the Leptomedusae.

It is an adaptation of hide-the-thimble.

A ready-made craft bag can be tailored to your specialty, with interior zippered compartments to hold varying sizes of needles, thread, thimbles, finger guards and embroidery rings.

"He then ascends to the surface, carries down a bubble of air and releases it inside the mouth of the silk-thimble, thus replacing a certain amount of water.

Both in the town and neighbourhood there are numerous foundries and works for iron, brass, steel and bronze goods, while other manufactures include wire, needles and pins, fish-hooks, machinery, umbrella-frames, thimbles, bits, furniture, chemicals, coffee-mills, and pinchbeck and britanniametal goods.

cottage thimbles proved their case, and Nominet accordingly transferred the disputed domain name to them.

Features Tink in different poses, such as sitting on a thimble, Tink angry and Tink clapping her tiny pixie hands.

thimble of water - and voila!Thimble >>Getting the piece with a coin in it would mean you were going to be wealthy, while the unlucky person who got a thimble would never marry.

In the breeding season the male spins a bell or thimble near that of the female and joins the two by means of a silken passage.


container, cap,


amorphous, unformed,

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