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the old man Meaning in Tamil ( the old man வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பழைய மனிதன்


white man, adult male, strapper, bey, male, Senhor, babu, buster, Methuselah, signore, adult, widowman, patriarch, inamorato, Peter Pan, ex-boyfriend, stiff, sheik, father-figure, greybeard, young buck, he-man, bachelor, hombre, clotheshorse, boy, grownup, beau, swell, paterfamilias, bruiser, bull, stud, divorced man, fellow, Black man, Tarzan, shaver, adult male body, baboo, ejaculator, gallant, graybeard, Monsieur, adonis, Esq, boyfriend, posseman, eunuch, father surrogate, dude, ex, yellow man, unmarried man, Samson, male person, geezer, swain, golden boy, father figure, womanizer, ironside, young man, fashion plate, ironman, Hooray Henry, signior, macho-man, man's body, grass widower, iron man, philanderer, hunk, middle-aged man, sir, ponce, old boy, signor, castrate, wonder boy, bozo, gentleman, galoot, guy, Herr, fop, womaniser, Esquire, dandy, old man, ex-husband, housefather, cat, widower,


woman, juvenile, female, powerless, impotent,

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