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tempera Meaning in Tamil ( tempera வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

பற்றோவிய முறை

tempera தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

முதலில் சுண்ணாம்புக் கலவை பூசி, அது காய்வதற்குள் ஓவியங்களை வரையும் பற்றோவிய முறையில் இந்தச் சுவர் ஓவியங்கள் வரையப்பட்டுள்ளன.

tempera's Usage Examples:

inferior mirages are produced by warm air at the ocean or earth's surface and an air temperature gradient changing rapidly with height.

Likewise is wearing a summer frock when the temperatures are artic.

The coldest month is January, with a mean temperature of about 32° F.

His religious exercises and temperate habits gave him, in popular estimation, a great superiority over his brothers, but he was too politic to put forward his claims openly.

'This, added to ill-health, served to intensify a natural irritability of temperament, and the history of his later Weimar days is a rather dreary page in the chronicles of literary life.

At ordinary temperatures it crystallizes from aqueous solutions in large colourless monoclinic prisms, which effloresce in dry air, and at 35° C.

They are all inhabitants of the open plains or the forests of the tropical and temperate parts of South America, with the exception of a few species which range as far north as Texas.

It is the most active of all the chemical elements; in contact with hydrogen combination takes place between the two gases with explosive violence, even in the dark, and at as low a temperature as - 210 C.

The comparison of standard weights has to be con - ducted at the standard temperature, and the room must be brought to that temperature and maintained at it.

It may be added that the protective power is not lost by exposure to the temperature mentioned, this apparently depending upon a specific anti-substance.

For the commoner grades of dark-coloured bottles the glass mixture is cheapened by substituting common salt for part of the sulphate of soda, and by the addition of felspar, granite, granulite, furnace slag and other substances fusible at a high temperature.

The increment of this area (or the decrement of the negative area E--04) at constant temperature represents the external work obtainable from the substance in isothermal expansion, in the same way that the decrement of the intrinsic energy represents the work done in adiabatic expansion.


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