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tasteless Meaning in Tamil ( tasteless வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சுவை அற்ற, சுவையற்ற,

tasteless தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நீண்ட சங்கிலியைக் கொண்ட சிக்கலான கார்போவைதரேட்டுகள் இனிப்புச் சுவை அற்றவையாகும்.

இன்றும் இந்த கடல் பகுதின் நீர் உப்பு சுவை அற்றதாகவே இருக்கின்றது.

tasteless's Usage Examples:

It is tasteless, odorless and water soluble.

The main course was lukewarm and tasteless; and the Efes beer overpriced, as was the entire meal.

For example, aa-dimethyl urea is sweet, aß-dimethyl urea is tasteless; p-phenetol carbamide or dulcin, NH 2 CO NH C 6 H 4.

Most venoms are tasteless, but cobra poison is said to be disagreeably bitter.

These kinds of cards are usually more suggestive, more direct - but that doesn't give you the excuse to be tawdry or tasteless (unless you are sure your intended recipient will take it in the right tone).

0C 2 H 5) 21 is tasteless.

"He didn't even bother to search his mental library under pithy, tasteless and nasty retorts.

My duck salad Bombay which, curiously, came without salad, was rather dry and the king prawn brochette tasteless.

Amoy straight to Wok noodles come out stodgy and tasteless, super noodles - well let's not go there.

Oxygen is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas.

I was n't expecting an evening of poetry at this late night revue, but I became bored by the tastelessness of it.

We all try a bit, it is eatable, but pretty tasteless.


loud, perceptiveness, garish, gaudy, campy, inelegant, off-colour, barbaric, flashy, pretentious, tacky, cheap, brassy, trashy, taste, flash, discernment, Brummagem, tawdry, ostentatious, off-color, indelicate, appreciation, tatty, camp, gimcrack, meretricious,


new, sincere, unpretentious, elegant, tasteful,

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