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tariff Meaning in Tamil ( tariff வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



tariff's Usage Examples:

The era of moderated tariffs, which began with the great treaty of 1860, lasted for about twenty years, and was followed in Italy, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain by a reversion to protection, although usually to a less high system of protection than had prevailed before 1860.

He was nominated by his party in 1892 for re-election, but was defeated by Cleveland, this result being due, at least in part, to the labour strikes which occurred during the presidential campaign and arrayed the labour unions against the tariff party.

From boyhood he had believed in a protective tariff, and throughout his active life he was its most trenchant advocate and propagandist.

, had schemes for banks and tariffs, enterprises which were open to severe criticism.

If I buy a bundled tariff, can I change the bundled tariff, can I change the bundle size?bespeak can be bundled into entirely bespoke packages to suit any situation.

How could reducing or eliminating tariffs and quotas or eliminating restrictions on foreign investment have different impact on women as opposed to men?These landlords could find themselves targeted just to fulfill quotas.

McKinley reflected the strong sentiment of his manufacturing constituency in behalf of a high protective tariff, and he soon became known in Congress (where he particularly attracted the attention of James G.

This was partially remedied after the Bulgarian annexation of Eastern Rumelia, in 1885, had driven the Moslems of that country to emigrate in like manner to Adrianople; but the advantage was counterbalanced by the establishment of hostile Bulgarian tariffs.

Russia, by a prohibitive tariff on manufactured silks of other countries, has since 1890 developed and fostered a trade which consumes annually about 3 million lb of raw material for its home industry.


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