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tarantula Meaning in Tamil ( tarantula வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



tarantula தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


tarantula's Usage Examples:

puff-adders and cobras, are met with, enormous frogs are common, and walking and flying locusts, mosquitoes, white ants, flying beetles, scorpions, spiders and tarantulas are very numerous.

After beating his arachnophobia, Miles kept a pet Lycosa tarantula named Christina.

In the wild, pink Chilean tarantulas kill prey such as toads, frogs and mice painlessly.

In recent times the term tarantula has been applied indiscriminately to many different kinds of large spiders in no way related to Lycosa tarantula; and to at least one Arachnid belonging to a distinct order.

Among the venomous reptiles and insects are the rattlesnake, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), a poisonous lizard, and the tarantula (Mygale Heintzii), which, however, are common only in certain places and at certain seasons.

The bite, for example, of large species of the family Aviculariidae, sometimes called Mygales, and sometimes, but erroneously, known as tarantulas, species which have fangs half an inch long and as sharp as needles and a considerable quantity of poison, may be very painful, though seldom serious provided the health of the patient be good.

Two of the cats, young and small enough to be kittens or perfectly sized adult tarantulas, detangled and darted from her pillow to the table.

Ceramic tableware - Lisa Marklew Salt ' Pepper pots - Shona Carnegie Many items will provoke the question, Is it functional or ornamental?Shona winds up Martin by pretending to be bitten by a tarantula.

He is even more concerned when a tarantula spider crawls out of another shoe and almost kills him !At last Oedipus guessed correctly that it was man; for the child crawls on hands and feet, the adult walks upright, and the old man supports his steps with a stick.

After a thick moment of silence, Evelyn rose to place the tarantula cat near the pilot and sealed off the door between the tiny cabin and pilot.

Evelyn removed the obstacle from the door and snagged the tarantula cat as it darted past her.

Mrs Gray has a pet tarantula, and spider logos adorn her company cars and business cards.

Other than being on a spaceship with aliens and super-tarantulas?And it was uglier than she imagined a spaceship to be.


Theraphosidae, spider, family Theraphosidae,



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