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tapir Meaning in Tamil ( tapir வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நீண்ட மூக்கும், சாம்பல் நிறமும் கொண்ட தென் அமெரிக்க விலங்கு வகை,

tapir தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவர்கள் பழுப்பு நிறத்தவராக அகன்ற முகமும், நெடிய உருவமும், நீண்ட மூக்கும் உடையவர்களாக இருந்தனர்.

tapir's Usage Examples:

The pachyderms are represented by three species of the peccary (Dicotyles) and two of the anta, or tapir (Tapirus).

Although palaeotheres resemble tapirs in general appearance, they differ in having only three toes on the fore as well as on the hind foot.

Among the pachyderms the tapir is found in the forests of the Orinoco.

The Lophiodontidae, which date from the Eocene, come very close to Hyracotherium in the horse-line; and it is solely on the authority of American palaeontologists that the division of these early forms into equoids and tapiroids is attempted.

The jaguar is usually found singly (sometimes in pairs), and preys upon such quadrupeds as the horse, tapir, capybara, dogs or cattle.

sumatranus), the Sus vittatus, and the tapir common, but the elephant, altogether absent from Java, is represented in Sumatra by a species considered by some to be peculiar.

There are no large beasts of prey, and neither the elephant, the rhinoceros nor the tapir is represented.

In the tapirs and many extinct forms the fifth toe also remains on the fore-limb, but its presence does not interfere with the symmetrical arrangement of the remainder of the foot on each side of the median line of the third or middle digit.

Aside from its origin, the fauna of Mexico includes at least five species of monkey, the jaguar, puma, ocelot (Felis pardalis), wolf, coyote, lynx, badger, otter (Lutra felina), beaver, muskrat, bear, raccoon (Procyon), coati (Nasua), tapir, two species of peccary (Dicotyles torquatus and D.

The only mammal actually associated with the plants appears to be a species of tapir, a genus which in Europe seems to be characteristically Miocene and Older Pliocene.

The Perissodactyla may be divided into the four following sections, namely the extinct Titanotheroidea, the Hippoidea, represented by the horse tribe and their ancestors, the Tapiroidea, typified by the tapirs, and the Rhinocerotoidea, which includes the modern rhinoceroses and their forerunners.

Of the indigenous fauna, the tapir of the north and the guanaco of the west and south are the largest of the animals.

There is no proof of their having lived in the Oligocene epoch, but in deposits of Miocene and Pliocene date remains undistinguishable generically and perhaps specifically from the modern tapirs (though named priscus, T.


odd-toed ungulate, perissodactyl mammal, Tapirus indicus, Indian tapir, genus Tapirus, Tapirus, Tapirus terrestris, New World tapir, Malayan tapir, perissodactyl,


even-toed ungulate,

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