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tans Meaning in Tamil ( tans வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வெயிற்பட்ட மேனிறம்,

tans தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


tans's Usage Examples:

It was instituted primarily as a precaution against the ever-present danger of a helot revolt, and secondarily perhaps as a training for young Spartans, who were sent out by the ephors to keep watch on the helots and assassinate any who might appear dangerous.

1663); "cunocuneus, seu corpus partim conum partim cuneum representans geometrice consideratum" (English, 1685); "De gravitate et gravitatione disquisitio geometrica" (1662; English, 1674); "De aestu maris hypothesis nova" (1666-1669).

It was also much favoured by the early Osmanli sultans, one of whom, Selim I.

By the peace of Antalcidas the Persian supremacy was proclaimed over Greece; and in the following wars all parties, Spartans, Athenians, Thebans, Argives continually applied to Persia for a decision in their favour.

In contrast, male orangutans will spend less than 9% of their time in association with other orangutans.

The Zeirids had before that date lost Algiers, which in 1159 was occupied by the Almohades, and in the 13th century came under the dominion of the Abd-elWahid, sultans of Tlemcen.

of land, and the Toptans at Tirana.

the soil to the depth of many feet, and from it springs the most marvellous tangle of huge trees, shrubs, bushes, underwood, creepers, climbing plants and trailing vines, the whole hung with ferns, mosses, and parasitic growths, and bound together by rattans and huge rope-like trailers.

The Osmanli sultans, as also the Mamelukes and the Seljuks, were accustomed to give largesse to their military forces on their accession to the throne, or on special occasions of rejoicing, a custom which still is practised in form, as for instance on the first day of the year, or the birthday of the Prophet (mevlud).

The story of the administrative development of the Church in the 5th century is mainly the story of the final emergence and constitution of the great " patriarchates," as authorities superior to metropolitans and provincial synods.

After the death of Cleomenes and the refusal of the Athenians to restore the hostages to Leotychides, the Aeginetans retaliated by seizing a number of Athenians at a festival at Sunium.

At any rate the Samaritans have, throughout their history, observed the Passover with all its Pentateuchal ceremonial and still observe it down to the present day.


topaz, light brown,


colored, uncolored, colorlessness,

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