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tangle Meaning in Tamil ( tangle வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


tangle தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த இடது சாரி அரசும் உட்பிரச்சனை, எதிர்ப்புகள் என்று பல்வேறு கடுஞ்சிக்கல்களை எதிர்கொண்டது.

எனினும் நுண்கிருமி ஏற்படுத்திய அடிநா அழற்சி மேலும் கடுஞ்சிக்கல் ஏற்படாமல் தடுப்பதற்கு நோய்எதிர்ப்பு மருந்துமாத்திரைகள் மூலம் சிகிச்சையளிக்கப்படுகிறது.

இந்த வெல்ல இயலாத கோட்டை 5 கிலோ மீட்டர் பரப்பிற்கு கடினமான மதிற்சுவரையும் கடுஞ்சிக்கல் வாய்ந்த தொடர்ச்சியான அரணையும் தற்புகழ்ச்சியுடன் கொண்டுள்ளது.

tangle's Usage Examples:

She was like a walking rectangle with a bird face, and she got outright hostile towards the beautiful women she escorted out of his home every morning.

The new city formed a rectangle, enclosed by a colossal mud rampart, the longer sides of which ran north and south.

But he reluctantly, and most unwisely, allowed himself to be entangled in the scandalous family quarrel between Frederick, prince of Wales, and his parents.

Hence in the act of solidifying it expels any excess of gas which it has dissolved while liquid, and this gas becomes entangled in the freezing mass, causing gas bubbles or blowholes, as at A and B in fig.

IATA must at least attempt to untangle the web of bureaucracy which binds it to such an archaic system.

In the densest forests the trees, struggling through the tangle of underwood to the light, are often 150 ft.

The girl was close enough behind him to smell the dankness of his tangled locks.

the soil to the depth of many feet, and from it springs the most marvellous tangle of huge trees, shrubs, bushes, underwood, creepers, climbing plants and trailing vines, the whole hung with ferns, mosses, and parasitic growths, and bound together by rattans and huge rope-like trailers.

At the close of a day of victory he was reconnoitring the hostile positions when suddenly the Confederate outposts opened fire upon his staff, whom they mistook in the dark and tangled forest for Federal cavalry.

Alex tried to disentangle Destiny, but she held on tight and started to whine.

By further growth this tissue gives rise to a proembryo, which consists, at the micropylar end, of a sac; the tissue at the chalazal end grows into a long and tangled suspensor, terminating in a mass of cells, which is eventually differentiated into a radicle, plumule and two cotyledons.

The emerging brightness of the new day, while inviting, did nothing to sort out the tangle of thoughts crowding his brain like the line of a snarled fishing reel.

But nominalism was powerless to inspire theology with new life; on the contrary, its intervention only increased the inextricable tangle of the hairsplitting questions with which theology busied itself, and made their solution more and more impossible.


trichobezoar, natural object, shag, hairball, hair ball,


brightness, uncover, stay, simplify, artifact,

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