takes Meaning in Tamil ( takes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
அருகில் கொண்டிரு, மேற்கொள்ளு, தேர்வுக்கு அமர், உணவாகக்கொள், அகப்படுத்து, ஏற்றுக்கொள், எடு,
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takes தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
எடுத்துக்காட்டாக, ஒரு கிரேட் டேன் நிறக் குறைபாட்டை (வெள்ளையாக இருந்தால்) அதன் கண்கள் அல்லது காதுகளுக்கு அருகில் கொண்டிருக்கின்றன.
takes's Usage Examples:
, takes place annually, the electors being the ratepayers, divided among the twenty-five wards of the City.
Many baby brands will offer baby care products in a sample size, while others hold regular sweepstakes where parents can win big prizes.
A dystopia, takes what seems perfect and erases freedom.
It is the most active of all the chemical elements; in contact with hydrogen combination takes place between the two gases with explosive violence, even in the dark, and at as low a temperature as - 210 C.
April Masini masquerades as Ask April, dishing about what it takes to make relationships work.
Even if you're not that involved with extracurricular activities at school, when a job takes away from your ability to study, socialize, spend some time with family, and get enough rest, there is a problem.
Multiplication takes place in some cases by the endogenous formation of zoospores, the organism having come to rest; in others by longitudinal division, when the organism is still motile.
"The process of unwinding these long reels of paper in the course of printing takes only half an hour; they are arranged on a revolving stand so that directly they are FIG.
The plant should have a warm situation, and the soil should be light and well enriched; sow thinly early in April, either near a fence or wall, or in an open spot, where it will require stakes 6 to 8 ft.
The alteration that takes place in the regular diurnal inequality throughout the year is best seen by analysing it into a Fourier series of the type c 1 sin (t+ a l) +c2 sin (2t+ a 2)+c 3 sin (3t+a3)+c4 sin (4t+a 4)+.
Similarly, seed makers are judged by the crops the seeds grow into—specifically, the yield and how long it takes to get it.
Also known as a sonogram, the procedure takes only a few minutes, is safe and painless, and usually is covered by health insurance.
act, move,
recall, block, refrain,