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tailles Meaning in Tamil ( tailles வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



tailles தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

லீக் பட்டத்திற்கு வழக்கமான சவாலில்லாததால் அடுத்த சில வருடங்களுக்கு ஆர்செனல் உண்மையான பட்டம் வெல்லக் கூடிய போட்டி அணியாக குறிக்கப்படும்படியானது.

பார்பேரி மனிதக் குரங்குகள் போன்ற சில உயர் விலங்குகளில் வாலில்லாத் தன்மையை வைத்து மனிதக் குரங்குகள் எனப்பட்டாலும் இவை உண்மையான மனிதக் குரங்குகள் அல்ல.

இந்திய மாநில ஆளுநர்கள் முக்குளிப்பான் (Tachybaptus ruficollis) என்பது முக்குளிப்பான் என்ற பேரினத்தைச் சார்ந்த குட்டைச் சிறகுடைய வாலில்லாத நீர்ப்பறவை ஆகும்.

tailles's Usage Examples:

See FRANCE: Law and Institutions; Henri See, Les Classes rurales et le regime domanial en France au Moyen Age (Paris, 1901); and Auger, Code des tailles (Paris, 1788).

The intendants, by an exercise of their general or special powers, took the place of the elus, and delegated commissaires aux tailles (commissaries of the taille) for the assessment of the parishes, who guided and supervised the elected collectors - for the most part ignorant and partial peasants.

f, P, This is particularly evident in the case of the Stegocephalians; and recent batrachians, tailed and tailless, show the mode of articulation of the vertebrae,whether amphicoelous, opisthocoelous or procoelous, to be of but secondary systematic importance in dealing with these lowly vertebrates.

In the loss of the last upper molar, the Liu-Kiu rabbit approximates to the picas, as does the tailless rabbit in the abortion of its caudal appendage.

He did not reform the system of aides and tailles established by Louis XI.

Turning to the tailless or so-called Manx cats, in which the tail should be represented merely by a tuft of hair without any remnant of bone, it seems that the strain is to be met with in many parts of Russia, and there is a very general opinion that it originally came from Japan or some other far eastern country.

In all the tailless batrachians (with the exception of a single known viviparous toad),the male clings to the female round the breast, at the arm-pits, or round the waist, and awaits, often for hours or days, the deposition of the ova, which are immediately fecundated by several seminal emissions.

This is a tailless, low-wing monoplane with swept-back wings of large root chord and having a long, narrow fuselage.

BOOK-SCORPION, or FALSE SCORPION, minute arachnids superficially resembling tailless scorpions and belonging to the order Pseudoscorpiones of the class Arachnida.

A tadpole is the larva of a tailless Batrachian after the loss of the external gills and before the egress of the fore limbs (except in the aberrant Xenopus) and the resorption of the tail.

Characteristic forms of this order in northern Asia are the marmots (Arctomys) and the pikas, or tailless hares (Lagomys).

Moreover, tailles were often granted him by the provincial estates or the states-general.

These facts militate strongly against the importance which was once attached to the dentition in the classification of the tailless batrachians.

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