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synodic Meaning in Tamil ( synodic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



synodic's Usage Examples:

It was synodically condemned along with Hobbes's Leviathan and other books as early as April 1671, and was consequently interdicted by the states-general of Holland in 1674; before long it was also placed on the Index by the Catholic authorities.

The terms synodical, sidereal, tropical, anomalistic, nodical, are applied respectively to these months, of which the lengths are as follow: - N This diagram is a key to some of the features reproduced in the photograph.

You might call this democratic and synodical process the convoy system which proceeds at the pace of the slowest ship.

The synodical decision in regard to the five points is contained in the canons adopted at the 136th session held on the 23rd of April 1619; the points were: unconditional election, limited atonement, total depravity, irresistibility of grace, final perseverance of the saints.

In this respect catechisms of modern times, from Luther's down to the recent Evangelical catechism of the Free Churches, and including from their respective points of view both the catechism of the Church of England and the catechism of the council of Trent, are markedly superior to articles and synodical decrees.

There is attached to it a government commissioner, with no vote, but affixing his signature to the synodical judgments (Joyce, op.

Kugler 7 that the various periods underlying their lunar predictions were identical with those heretofore believed to have been independently arrived at by Hipparchus, who accordingly must be held to have borrowed from Chaldaea the lengths of the synodic, sidereal, anomalistic and draconitic months.

, in other branches of the Indo-Germanic family; all ultimately from the root seen in the word for the moon in nearly all those languages), originally the period between two returns of the new moon; generally called a lunar and sometimes a synodic or illuminative month.

As the /see' is longer than a synodic revolution of the moon, the sun cannot arrive twice at a chung-ki during the same lunation; and as there are only twelve tsee, the year can contain only twelve months having different names.

The lengths of the various months are: synodic 29.

Long before the exact length of the year was determined, it must have been perceived that the synodic revolution.

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