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sympathetical Meaning in Tamil ( sympathetical வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



sympathetical தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


sympathetical's Usage Examples:

His exploits in the conflict have been sympathetically related by his brother, who, if he was not quite an impartial witness, was one of the best military critics of the time.

His style, especially in the parts belonging to " J," is graphic and picturesque, the descriptions are vivid and abound in detail and colloquy, and both emotion and religious feeling are warmly and sympathetically expressed in it.

Of the museum, which originally belonged to the defunct Banff Institution and was afterwards taken over by the town council, Thomas Edward - the "working naturalist," whose life was so sympathetically written by Samuel Smiles - was curator for a few years.

The curious passage which says that the subjects of Hrothgar sought deliverance from Grendel in prayer at the temple of the Devil, " because they knew not the true God," must surely have been substituted for a passage referring sympathetically to the worship of the ancient gods.

Kinsale has recently been sympathetically refurbished to a very high standard.

He was in the secrets of the "new departure" in 1879-1881, and in the latter year had an interview with Parnell at the House of Commons, when the Irish leader spoke sympathetically of an armed revolution in Ireland.

After the peace of Aix-laners and Chapelle, France had been flooded from all quarters customs, of the civilized world, but especially from England, by a concourse of refined and cultured men well acquainted with her usages and her universal language, whom she had received sympathetically.

He makes up for the liquid tears with a hearty swig of cider) Ho!Sorry folks, but it is time to not only smell the coffee, but to have a good swig of caffeine too!The tramp sympathetically offers to let him have swig of his bottle, which Captain Britain declines.

If others are aglow with music, a responding glow, caught sympathetically, shines in her face.

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