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swayed Meaning in Tamil ( swayed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


swayed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பூமி அசைந்தது,காற்று எங்கள் குடிசையை அழித்தது.

கொடி அசைந்ததும் (பார்த்தால் பசி திரும்).

கொடி அசைந்ததும் ( பார்த்தால் பசி தீரும் ).

swayed's Usage Examples:

At another spot he noticed a Russian soldier laughingly patting a Frenchman on the shoulder, saying something to him in a friendly manner, and Kutuzov with the same expression on his face again swayed his head.

Alpatych swayed his head and went upstairs.

By evening, the adjutants had spread it to all ends and parts of the army, and in the night from the nineteenth to the twentieth, the whole eighty thousand allied troops rose from their bivouacs to the hum of voices, and the army swayed and started in one enormous mass six miles long.

He puckered his face, screwed up his eyes, and pensively swayed his head.

Like the way his broad shoulders swayed so gracefully with each step as he strode to the corral - or the way he lounged in a doorway, coffee in one hand, one long leg thrown carelessly over the other.

His broad shoulders swayed with the swing of his stride.

He was a weakling, swayed by his favourites in the Murad III.

It hung to her shoulders and swayed when she walked.

His tall frame swayed across the room with feline grace.

It was held that the system of Apollinaris was really Docetism (see Docetae), that if the Godhood without constraint swayed the manhood there was no possibility of real human probation or of real advance in Christ's manhood.

He sat heavily and swayed limply on his brisk little horse.

The little plane danced and swayed in the turbulence, constantly buffeted by the increas­ing wind.


rock, swag, roll, shake, nutate, move back and forth, totter,


untie, unlash, devoice, inactiveness, inactivity,

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